Saturday, September 27, 2008

8 Months!

He was actually 8 months on the 17th but I have been lazy.

I'm ready for some sun.

What did you do to my hair Mom?

Get Ya popcorn ready!

Noah hanging out with Michael Crabtree.

Monday, September 22, 2008

"Not Me" Monday

So I am participating in a new blog carnival today. This is the first ever “Not Me Monday” hosted by MckMama. Here is my opportunity to tell you about all the things I am definitely NOT claiming to have done.

I definitely did NOT make a pan a of brownies to share with friends and eat a good portion of it.

I am definitely NOT sick right now from NOT eating brownies.

I definitely did NOT put my husband's gel in my son's hair and then proceed to tell him that Noah woke up like that.

When my husband tells me to leave the fans on in the house to save money, I NEVER turn them off when he leaves because I am cold.

I totally did NOT put a damp shirt on my son when I forgot about the clothes in the washer.

Lastly, it was NOT me who threw a dirty diaper in my neighbor's yard when she let her dog poops in ours. That would be so unchristian-like of me.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

7 months!

Poor Sick Baby with Croup!