Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Are immunizations worth it?

There has been a lot of question about immunizations. People are saying they cause Autism. Can this be true? Scary. They say that a lot of them are unnecessary and can have side effects like ear infectons. Noah is only three months and has already had a double ear infection. It wasn't too long after his first set of shots. I just don't know if I should continue giving him all these shots. What do you think?


Tiffany said...

Hey Michele-

I am so with you about immunizations and Autism, especially since autism is 4 times more likely to occur in boys. However, I talk to my dr. about it at EVERY appointment and he said immunizations are not the cause. I was skeptical until I asked him how he would know if Reese had autism.....its much too long to go on about in a comment, but I wouldn't worry about it. I see it like this - God knows whether or not my son will be autisic - and there is nothing I can do to change that - God has a plan and will for his life and who am I to try and change the plans God has for him.....

Tiffany Rasor

Tom Sepper said...

I think there are far too many unknowns at this point. The immunizations are known to help prevent certain diseases though and that, to me, is important.

Whitney said...

My awesome teacher who has two kids decided to get some immunizations, but not others. She decided the risk was worth it to avoid polio, and the other illnesses that can be so dramatic. But she is skipping the "extra" ones they have added in in the last 10 or so years. I think that is a good rule of thumb for anything - just take the medicine if the results of NOT taking the medicine are worse than the effects of taking it. Even with advil or tylonol it is good to ask - do I just need a nap, or should I take this pill. BIG decisions girl. I will be praying for yu and Zeb to figure it all out with the Lord - I know I will really struggle with this when it is my turn to be mommy.